
嵌套的Select Case语句(nested Select Case statements)

可以将select语句作为外部select语句的语句序列的一部分。 即使内部和外部选择的case常量包含公共值,也不会产生冲突。

例子 (Example)

Module decisions
   Sub Main()
      'local variable definition
      Dim a As Integer = 100
      Dim b As Integer = 200
      Select a
         Case 100
            Console.WriteLine("This is part of outer case ")
            Select Case b
               Case 200
                  Console.WriteLine("This is part of inner case ")
            End Select
         End Select
      Console.WriteLine("Exact value of a is : {0}", a)
      Console.WriteLine("Exact value of b is : {0}", b)
   End Sub
End Module

编译并执行上述代码时,会产生以下结果 -

This is part of outer case
This is part of inner case
Exact value of a is : 100
Exact value of b is : 200
WIKI教程 @2018