
int compareTo(File pathname)

描述 (Description)

java.io.File.compareTo(File pathname)方法按字典顺序比较两个抽象路径名。 此方法定义的顺序取决于操作系统。

声明 (Declaration)

以下是java.io.File.compareTo(File pathname)方法的声明 -

public int compareTo(File pathname)

参数 (Parameters)

pathname - 要与此抽象路径名进行比较的抽象路径名。

返回值 (Return Value)


异常 (Exception)


例子 (Example)


package com.iowiki;
import java.io.File;
public class FileDemo {
   public static void main(String[] args) {      
      File f = null;
      File f1 = null;
      try {
         // create new files
         f = new File("test.txt");
         f1 = new File("File/test1.txt");
         // returns integer value
         int value = f.compareTo(f1);
         // prints
         System.out.print("Lexicographically, ");
         System.out.print("abstract path name test.txt");
         // if lexicographically, argument = abstract path name
         if(value == 0) {
            System.out.print(" = ");
         // if lexicographically, argument < abstract path name
         else if(value > 0) {
            System.out.print(" > ");
         // if lexicographically, the argument > abstract path name
         else {
            System.out.print(" < ");
         // print
         System.out.println("abstract path name File/test1.txt");
         // prints the value returned by compareTo()
         System.out.print("Value returned: "+value);
      } catch(Exception e) {

让我们编译并运行上面的程序,这将产生以下结果 -

Lexicographically, abstract path name test.txt > abstract path name File/test1.txt
Value returned: 46
WIKI教程 @2018