
HTML - 颜色名称( Color Names)

下表显示了HTML 3.2中引入的16种颜色名称 -

颜色名称 十六进制值 颜色 show
aqua#00ffff 00ffff
black#000000 000000
blue#0000ff 0000ff
fuchsia#ff00ff ff00ff
green#008000 008000
gray#808080 808080
lime#00ff00 00ff00
maroon#800000 800000
navy#000080 000080
olive#808000 808000
purple#800080 800080
red#ff0000 ff0000
silver#c0c0c0 c0c0c0
teal#008080 008080
white#ffffff ffffff
yellow#ffff00 ffff00


颜色名称 十六进制值 颜色 节目
aliceblue#f0f8ff f0f8ff
antiquewhite#faebd7 faebd7
aquamarine#7fffd4 7fffd4
azure#f0ffff f0ffff
beige#f5f5dc f5f5dc
bisque#ffe4c4 ffe4c4
blanchedalmond#ffebcd ffebcd
blueviolet#8a2be2 8a2be2
brown#a52a2a a52a2a
burlywood#deb887 deb887
cadetblue#5f9ea0 5f9ea0
chartreuse#7fff00 5f9ea0
chocolate#d2691e d2691e
coral#ff7f50 ff7f50
cornflowerblue#6495ed 6495ed
cornsilk#fff8dc fff8dc
crimson#dc143c dc143c
cyan#00ffff 00ffff
darkblue#00008b 00008b
darkcyan#008b8b 008b8b
darkgoldenrod#b8860b b8860b
darkgray#a9a9a9 a9a9a9
darkgreen#006400 006400
darkkhaki#bdb76b bdb76b
darkmagenta#8b008b 8b008b
darkolivegreen#556b2f 556b2f
darkorange#ff8c00 ff8c00
darkorchid#9932cc 9932cc
darkred#8b0000 8b0000
darksalmon#e9967a e9967a
darkseagreen#8fbc8f 8fbc8f
darkslateblue#483d8b 483d8b
darkslategray#2f4f4f 2f4f4f
darkturquoise#00ced1 00ced1
darkviolet#9400d3 9400d3
deeppink#ff1493 ff1493
deepskyblue#00bfff 00bfff
dimgray#696969 696969
dodgerblue#1e90ff 1e90ff
firebrick#b22222 b22222
floralwhite#fffaf0 fffaf0
forestgreen#228b22 228b22
gainsboro#dcdcdc dcdcdc
ghostwhite#f8f8ff f8f8ff
gold#ffd700 ffd700
goldenrod#daa520 daa520
gray#808080 808080
greenyellow#adff2f adff2f
honeydew#f0fff0 f0fff0
hotpink#ff69b4 ff69b4
indianred#cd5c5c cd5c5c
indigo#4b0082 4b0082
ivory#fffff0 fffff0
khaki#f0e68c f0e68c
lavender#e6e6fa e6e6fa
lavenderblush#fff0f5 fff0f5
lawngreen#7cfc00 7cfc00
lemonchiffon#fffacd fffacd
lightblue#add8e6 add8e6
lightcoral#f08080 f08080
lightcyan#e0ffff e0ffff
lightgoldenrodyellow#fafad2 fafad2
lightgreen#90ee90 90ee90
lightgrey#d3d3d3 d3d3d3
lightpink#ffb6c1 ffb6c1
lightsalmon#ffa07a ffa07a
lightseagreen#20b2aa 20b2aa
lightskyblue#87cefa 87cefa
lightslategray#778899 778899
lightsteelblue#b0c4de b0c4de
lightyellow#ffffe0 ffffe0
limegreen#32cd32 32cd32
linen#faf0e6 faf0e6
magenta#ff00ff ff00ff
mediumblue#0000cd 0000cd
mediumorchid#ba55d3 ba55d3
mediumpurple#9370db 9370db
midnightblue#191970 191970
mistyrose#ffe4e1 ffe4e1
moccasin#ffe4b5 ffe4b5
oldlace#fdf5e6 fdf5e6
orange#ffa500 ffa500
orchid#da70d6 da70d6
peachpuff#ffdab9 ffdab9
peru#cd853f cd853f
pink#ffc0cb ffc0cb
plum#dda0dd dda0dd
purple#800080 800080
rosybrown#bc8f8f bc8f8f
royalblue#4169e1 4169e1
salmon#fa8072 fa8072
sandybrown#f4a460 f4a460
seagreen#2e8b57 2e8b57
sienna#a0522d a0522d
skyblue#87ceeb 87ceeb
slateblue#6a5acd 6a5acd
steelblue#4682b4 4682b4
tan#d2b48c d2b48c
thistle#d8bfd8 d8bfd8
tomato#ff6347 ff6347
violet#ee82ee ee82ee
wheat#f5deb3 f5deb3
whitesmoke#f5f5f5 f5f5f5
yellow#ffff00 ffff00
yellowgreen#9acd32 9acd32


某些字符在HTML中保留,在HTML文档中使用时具有特殊含义。 例如,您不能在HTML文本中使用大于或小于标记或尖括号,因为浏览器会以不同方式对待它们,并尝试绘制与HTML标记相关的含义。


符号 描述 实体名称 数字代码
"quotation mark""
'apostrophe ''

例子 (Example)


作为代码,那么你必须写如下 -
<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>HTML Entities</title>
      <div id = "character">

这将产生以下结果 -


HTML 4.0中还有一长串特殊字符。 为了使它们出现在您的文档中,您可以使用数字代码或实体名称。 例如,要插入版权符号,您可以使用以下任一项 -

© 2007
© 2007

ISO 8859-1符号实体

结果 描述 实体名称 数字代码
non-breaking space&nbsp;&#160;
¡inverted exclamation mark&iexcl;&#161;
¦broken vertical bar&brvbar;&#166;
¨spacing diaeresis&uml;&#168;
ªfeminine ordinal indicator&ordf;&#170;
«angle quotation mark (left)&laquo;&#171;
­soft hyphen&shy;&#173;
® 注册商标 &reg;&#174;
¯spacing macron&macr;&#175;
±plus-or-minus &plusmn;&#177;
² 上标2 &sup2;&#178;
³ 上标3 &sup3;&#179;
´spacing acute&acute;&#180;
· 中间点 &middot;&#183;
¸spacing cedilla&cedil;&#184;
¹ 上标1 &sup1;&#185;
ºmasculine ordinal indicator&ordm;&#186;
»angle quotation mark (right)&raquo;&#187;
¼fraction 1/4&frac14;&#188;
½fraction 1/2&frac12;&#189;
¾fraction 3/4&frac34;&#190;
¿inverted question mark&iquest;&#191;

ISO 8859-1字符实体

结果 描述 实体名称 数字代码
Àcapital a, grave accent&Agrave;&#192;
Ácapital a, acute accent&Aacute;&#193;
Âcapital a, circumflex accent&Acirc;&#194;
Ãcapital a, tilde&Atilde;&#195;
Äcapital a, umlaut mark&Auml;&#196;
Åcapital a, ring&Aring;&#197;
Æcapital ae&AElig;&#198;
Çcapital c, cedilla&Ccedil;&#199;
Ècapital e, grave accent&Egrave;&#200;
Écapital e, acute accent&Eacute;&#201;
Êcapital e, circumflex accent&Ecirc;&#202;
Ëcapital e, umlaut mark&Euml;&#203;
Ìcapital i, grave accent&Igrave;&#204;
Ícapital i, acute accent&Iacute;&#205;
Îcapital i, circumflex accent&Icirc;&#206;
Ï 资本i,umlaut mark &Iuml;&#207;
Ðcapital eth, Icelandic&ETH;&#208;
Ñcapital n, tilde&Ntilde;&#209;
Òcapital o, grave accent&Ograve;&#210;
Ócapital o, acute accent&Oacute;&#211;
Ôcapital o, circumflex accent&Ocirc;&#212;
Õcapital o, tilde&Otilde;&#213;
Öcapital o, umlaut mark&Ouml;&#214;
Øcapital o, slash&Oslash;&#216;
Ùcapital u, grave accent&Ugrave;&#217;
Úcapital u, grave accent&Uacute;&#218;
Ûcapital u, circumflex accent&Ucirc;&#219;
Ücapital u, umlaut mark&Uuml;&#220;
Ýcapital y, acute accent&Yacute;&#221;
Þcapital THORN, Icelandic&THORN;&#222;
ßsmall sharp s, German&szlig;&#223;
àsmall a, grave accent&agrave;&#224;
ásmall a, acute accent&aacute;&#225;
âsmall a, circumflex accent&acirc;&#226;
ãsmall a, tilde&atilde;&#227;
äsmall a, umlaut mark&auml;&#228;
åsmall a, ring&aring;&#229;
æ 小ae &aelig;&#230;
çsmall c, cedilla&ccedil;&#231;
èsmall e, grave accent&egrave;&#232;
ésmall e, acute accent&eacute;&#233;
êsmall e, circumflex accent&ecirc;&#234;
ësmall e, umlaut mark&euml;&#235;
ìsmall i, grave accent&igrave;&#236;
ísmall i, acute accent&iacute;&#237;
îsmall i, circumflex accent&icirc;&#238;
ïsmall i, umlaut mark&iuml;&#239;
ðsmall eth, Icelandic&eth;&#240;
ñsmall n, tilde&ntilde;&#241;
òsmall o, grave accent&ograve;&#242;
ósmall o, acute accent&oacute;&#243;
ôsmall o, circumflex accent&ocirc;&#244;
õsmall o, tilde&otilde;&#245;
ösmall o, umlaut mark&ouml;&#246;
øsmall o, slash&oslash;&#248;
ùsmall u, grave accent&ugrave;&#249;
úsmall u, acute accent&uacute;&#250;
ûsmall u, circumflex accent&ucirc;&#251;
üsmall u, umlaut mark&uuml;&#252;
ýsmall y, acute accent&yacute;&#253;
þsmall thorn, Icelandic&thorn;&#254;
ÿsmall y, umlaut mark&yuml;&#255;


结果 描述 实体名称 数字代码
Œcapital ligature OE&OElig;&#338;
œsmall ligature oe&oelig;&#339;
Šcapital S with caron&Scaron;&#352;
šsmall S with caron&scaron;&#353;
Ÿcapital Y with diaeres&Yuml;&#376;
ˆmodifier letter circumflex accent&circ;&#710;
˜ 小波浪 &tilde;&#732;
en space&ensp;&#8194;
em space&emsp;&#8195;
thin space&thinsp;&#8201;
零宽度非连接器 &zwnj;&#8204;
zero width joiner&zwj;&#8205;
从左到右的标记 &lrm;&#8206;
从右到左的标记 &rlm;&#8207;
en dash&ndash;&#8211;
em dash&mdash;&#8212;
left single quotation mark&lsquo;&#8216;
right single quotation mark&rsquo;&#8217;
single low-9 quotation mark&sbquo;&#8218;
left double quotation mark&ldquo;&#8220;
right double quotation mark&rdquo;&#8221;
double low-9 quotation mark&bdquo;&#8222;
Double dagger &Dagger;&#8225;
horizontal ellipsis&hellip;&#8230;
per mille &permil;&#8240;
single left-pointing angle quotation&lsaquo;&#8249;
single right-pointing angle quotation&rsaquo;&#8250;
WIKI教程 @2018