
Show Example

关系运算符允许对象的比较。 以下是Groovy中可用的关系运算符 -

操作者 描述
== 测试两个对象之间的相等性 2 == 2将给出真实
!= 测试两个对象之间的差异 3!= 2将给出真实
< 检查左对象是否小于右操作数。 2 <3将给出真实
<= 检查左对象是否小于或等于右操作数。 2 <= 3将给出真实
> 检查左对象是否大于右操作数。 3> 2将给出真实
>= 检查左对象是否大于或等于右操作数。 3> = 2将给出真实


class Example { 
   static void main(String[] args) { 
      def x = 5;
      def y = 10;
      def z = 8;
      if(x == y) { 
         println("x is equal to y"); 
      } else 
         println("x is not equal to y"); 
      if(z != y) { 
         println("z is not equal to y"); 
      } else 
         println("z is equal to y"); 
      if(z != y) { 
         println("z is not equal to y"); 
      } else 
         println("z is equal to y"); 
      if(z<y) { 
         println("z is less than y"); 
      } else 
         println("z is greater than y"); 
      if(x<=y) { 
         println("x is less than y"); 
      } else 
         println("x is greater than y"); 
      if(x>y) { 
         println("x is greater than y"); 
      } else 
         println("x is less than y"); 
      if(x>=y) { 
         println("x is greater or equal to y"); 
      } else 
         println("x is less than y"); 

当我们运行上述程序时,我们将得到以下结果。 可以看出,结果如上所述的操作者描述所预期的那样。

x is not equal to y 
z is not equal to y 
z is not equal to y 
z is less than y
x is less than y 
x is less than y 
x is less than y 
WIKI教程 @2018