
parrot - 行动( Operations)

您可以执行各种操作。 例如,我们可以打印出寄存器或常量的内容:

set I1, 10
print "The contents of register I1 is: "
print I1
print "\n"

以上说明将导致The contents of register I1 is: 10


# Add the contents of I2 to the contents of I1
add I1, I1, I2
# Multiply I2 by I4 and store in I3
mul I3, I2, I4
# Increment I1 by one
inc I1
# Decrement N3 by 1.5
dec N3, 1.5


set S1, "fish"
set S2, "bone"
concat S1, S2       # S1 is now "fishbone"
set S3, "w"
substr S4, S1, 1, 7
concat S3, S4       # S3 is now "wishbone"
length I1, S3       # I1 is now 8
WIKI教程 @2018